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Terms of Use for IM

(Instant Messaging via WhatsApp) (the “Channels”)

This is a communication from BNP Paribas, acting through its Singapore branch and/or BNP Paribas, acting through its Hong Kong branch (collectively referred to as, the “Bank”) which is confidential and for our clients only. Please read the following carefully as it contains the terms of use governing the use of these Channels of electronic communications between you and Bank. By using these Channels to communicate with the Bank, you agree to the terms of use herein. The terms and conditions governing your account(s) with the Bank (“Account T&Cs”) and the Terms and Conditions for Digital Banking Services (“Digital T&Cs”) shall apply to the use of the Channels. In particular, the term “Digital Banking Services” under the Digital T&Cs shall be construed to cover the Channels.

If you do not wish to receive any further communication via these Channels, please inform your relationship manager. All communications  are monitored and recorded by these Channels and may also be monitored and recorded by the Bank for record-keeping, quality training, investigation and other legitimate purposes in the manner permitted by local law and processed in accordance with the “Account T&Cs”, the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 of Singapore, the Bank’s Data Protection Policy (available at:, the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of Hong Kong and the Notice to Customers relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of Hong Kong (available at:, as updated and/or amended by the Bank from time to time. Such records may be used as evidence in any legal proceedings in the event of a dispute and you consent to the same. Clause 4 (Instructions by Telephone, Facsimile, Telex, Video Conference & Other Electronic Means) of the Account T&Cs, including the various indemnities and exclusion clauses therein, shall be incorporated as if set out fully herein. The Bank cannot provide any assurance that any such electronic communications (sent or received) are secure, confidential, error free, not corrupted, complete and/or that they will not be lost, destroyed, delayed, intercepted or otherwise affected by unauthorised persons or technical failures without the knowledge of the sender or intended recipient. Therefore, the Bank advises against sending sensitive, confidential or personally identifiable information via these Channels and disclaims any liability should you choose to do so, for which you fully understand and accept the risks and which the Bank makes no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the security, access and usage of any communication transmitted to or by the Bank via these Channels. As may be necessary (e.g. if requested by you or if the context requires), you authorise and consent for the Bank to send you and to receive via these Channels information relating to you and your account(s) with the Bank, including but not limited to customer information and personal data. The Bank shall not be responsible for any loss of security or breach of confidentiality of any such communication. Material herein may be copyrighted and the property of the Bank and unauthorised copying or distribution of this message or linked materials without the prior consent of the Bank is not permitted.

To the extent that this communication contains documents in relation to market/product-related information and/or general product recommendation, additional terms will apply:

You accept that it is your sole responsibility to keep, and to ensure that your electronic devices for using these Channels are safe and secure, including without limitation, to keep confidential, safe and secure the security credentials you use to access the device and Channels, to take reasonably practicable measures to guard against any phishing or social engineering attacks and to ensure regular updates with security patches on your electronic devices and not to  forward unverified links etc[SG Legal1] . Communicating via these Channels using your electronic devices shall be restricted solely to you. You undertake to immediately inform the Bank of any loss or theft or unauthorised use of your electronic device or any breach or suspected breach of security in relation to these Channels by notifying your relationship manager or through other Bank’s communication channels notified by the Bank to you.  You shall bear full responsibility for all consequences arising from the use, loss or misuse of your electronic device and these Channels.  

Please note that these Channels are run and/or managed by external service providers which do not belong to the BNP Paribas group (“Third Party Service Providers”), including without limitation, WhatsApp LLC. We draw your attention that the use of these Channels shall be subject to the applicable terms of such Third Party Service Providers from time to time (the “Third Party Terms”). Please be reminded to read and consider the Third Party Terms carefully and decide whether or not to accept the Third Party Terms and to use the Channels at your own discretion and determination. If you have decided to cease using any of these Channels at any time, please notify the Bank in writing.  

BNP Paribas shall not be responsible or held liable for any collection, storage, usage, handling, sharing and/or transfer by any Third Party Service Providers and/or any other parties of any data communicated through the Channels, or for any act, omission and/or fraud on the part of the Third Party Service Providers and/or any other parties. BNP Paribas shall not be responsible or held liable for any breach of confidentiality, loss or misuse of any data by the Third Party Security Providers. 

The Bank reserves the right to cease or suspend the use of these Channels as a communication channel with you at its absolute discretion.  You agree that the Bank shall not be responsible or held liable for any interruptions, disruptions or malfunction of the Channels. If you experience any problem in using the Channels, please contact our hotline at (65) 6210-6008 (Singapore) or 001-800-6210-6008 (Hong Kong) from Mon – Fri, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Singapore or Hong Kong business days only for technical support and/or please contact your relationship manager for assistance relating to your account(s).

You agree that you shall only use the Channels for communication with the Bank relating to the operation and management of the account(s) with the Bank and for no other purpose. You shall keep all communication between you and the Bank via the Channels private and confidential. Save for the purpose of your compliance with any applicable legal or regulatory obligations, you agree and undertake not to disclose any communication between you and the Bank via the Channels to any other third parties except with the Bank’s prior written consent.

Important Notes for Order Taking

Transmitting your order instructions via these Channels are subject to availability and acceptance by the Bank. In particular, it is required to check whether you are duly authorised to do as an authorised signatory of the account(s) or as otherwise authorised to do so on behalf of the account(s) under such other authorisation document acceptable to the Bank.

For the avoidance of doubt, order instructions placed via these Channels are not subject to the restriction (if any) to non-solicited/recommended products in the Digital T&Cs.

The Bank shall not be deemed to have received your order instructions unless your relationship manager has specifically acknowledged and confirmed the same verbally at your registered phone numbers or in writing (e.g. registered email or written acknowledgement). An auto-reply shall not constitute such a response. You are strongly encouraged to verbally confirm any such instruction immediately on a different communication channel with the Bank (e.g. Office Phone) after sending your instructions via these Channels. The Bank reserves all rights NOT to place or execute any order instructions from you via these Channels and is also not liable for any delay in processing or executing your order instructions.  You shall be fully liable and responsible for all order instructions placed.

You are fully aware and understand all the potential security risks such as phishing, malware, account theft and impersonation, as well as operational risks such as the risks that any order messages may not be delivered to the Bank in a timely manner and the Channels may be out of service due to system or network problems, before using the Channels to place orders.

For each product or investment, please refer to the relevant brochure / term sheet / other documentation provided to you separately for further details, in particular, on the terms, features, risk factors and other disclosures.

For details regarding the Bank’s fees, charges, monetary benefits and other disclosures, please refer to the Bank’s standard fee schedule booklet and/or other relevant disclosures provided to you separately.

Other Restrictions

Order taking is prohibited if you are located in certain countries, including but not limited to the U.S, and any Sanctioned Country. For such purpose, you shall be deemed to be placing order(s) from your country of residence in our Bank records (which shall not be the U.S. or any Sanctioned Country) and you confirm the same. You also confirm that neither you nor, to the best of your knowledge, any of your subsidiaries, directors, officers, members, employees or agents thereof, (i) is the subject of any Sanctions or is owned or controlled by persons that are the subject of any Sanctions (a “Sanctioned Person”) or (ii) is located, organised or resident in a country or territory that is, or whose government is, the subject of Sanctions (a “Sanctioned Country”). You confirm that you do not and shall not engage, directly or indirectly, in any activity or transaction that involves Sanctioned Persons or Sanctioned Countries. You shall not send to or process through BNP Paribas any transaction involving Sanctioned Persons or Sanctioned Countries or that would be funded or otherwise facilitated by BNP Paribas.

“Sanctions” means any economic or trade sanctions, embargoes or restrictive measures enacted, administered, imposed or enforced by the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Asset Control Clause (OFAC), the U.S. Department of State, the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, the French government or any other government, governmental agency regulator or authority.


You agree and undertake to fully and completely indemnify and at all times keep the Bank and each of its nominees, agents, brokers, custodians and officers indemnified and held harmless against any and all losses, claims, demands, actions, proceedings, reasonable expenses (including legal fees on a full indemnity basis) and all other liabilities of whatever nature or description (including goods and services, value added or other similar taxes payable thereon or in connection therewith) which the Bank, its nominees, agents, brokers, custodians and/or officers, may incur or suffer as a result of (whether directly or indirectly) or in connection with the use of these Channels or as otherwise contemplated above and for such purpose, the Bank may debit any of your account(s) of the with the Bank with any amount required to indemnify the Bank as aforesaid.

© BNP Paribas (2021). All rights reserved

即時通訊使用條款  (下稱「使用條款」)

(經由 WhatsApp 之即時通訊) (下稱「管道」)

此係法國巴黎銀行 (下稱「本行」) 所提供之說明,內容均屬機密且僅供本行客戶使用。敬請詳閱以下說明,以瞭解您與本行間使用相關管道進行電子通訊須遵守之使用條款。一旦使用相關管道與本行相互通訊,即視為您已同意使用條款之內容與規定。相關管道之使用亦須受您與本行簽署之客戶往來總約定書 (下稱「總約定書」) 及網路銀行業務服務契約 (下稱「網路銀行條款」) 規範。具體而言,網路銀行條款內所稱「網路銀行服務」應解釋為一併涵蓋相關管道。

若您不願繼續經由相關管道收受任何說明或通知,敬請告知您的客戶關係經理。所有通訊內容均由相關管道監控並記錄之,且基於紀錄保存、品質精進、案件調查及其他正當事由,本行得依法監控並記錄所有通訊內容,相關處理均將依據總約定書、網路銀行條款、個人資料保護法、本行之資料保護政策 ( 暨不定期更新及/或增修後條文為準。如遇爭議事項,經您同意後得以該等紀錄作為任何法律程序所需之證據。總約定書及網路銀行條款之各式免責與除外條款,包括但不限於總約定書第一章第 6 條 (指示),應視同本條款全文之一部並完整適用之。本行無法保證任何該等電子通訊內容 (包含發送及收受) 均屬安全、機密、全無漏誤、完好無損、完整無缺及/或該等通訊內容必不致遺失、破壞、延遲、遭攔截,或 (於發送方或預期收受方未能知悉情況下) 絕未受任何未獲授權其他人士或技術失誤影響之。有鑑於此,本行建議您應避免經由相關管道傳送任何敏感、機密或可供識別身分之資訊,若您仍選擇傳送之,本行概不負責;相關資訊發送,視為您已充分瞭解並承擔相關風險,且本行針對相關管道自本行接收或向本行發送任何通訊之任何安全、連線及使用,概不提供任何聲明或保證。必要情況下 (例如您要求或情境所需),您授權並同意本行經由相關管道向您發送及接收各種帳戶相關之資訊,包括但不限於客戶資訊及個人資料。本公司對於任何該等通訊之安全性喪失或機密性遭破壞等概不負責。該等資訊或連結檔案可能受著作權保護且屬本行財產,未經本行事前同意不得擅自複製或散布。



並請注意,相關管道係由非隸屬於法國巴黎銀行集團之其他外部服務供應商 (下稱「第三方服務供應商」),包括但不限於 WhatsApp公司等,負責營運及/或管理。您就相關管道之使用應符合該第三方服務供應商之使用條款 (下稱「第三方條款」)。敬請仔細閱讀並評估第三方條款內容,自行判斷應否接受第三方條款並使用相關管道。若您決定停止使用任何相關管道,請以書面通知本行。






為免疑義,經由相關管道下達之交易指令,不適用網路銀行條款內針對本行未推介之產品或投資所訂之限制 (如有)。

除非您的客戶關係經理已以口頭透過您登載於本行之電話號碼或以書面形式 (例如登記之電子郵件或書面確認) 具體釐清並確認之,否則不應視同本行已受理您的下單及交易指令。任何自動回覆訊息,均不構成受理有效之回覆。本行強烈建議您一旦經由相關管道發送任何指令,均應儘速以其他聯絡管道 (如辦公室電話) 向本行口頭確認該等指令。本行保留完整權利,得不予下單或拒不執行任何經由相關管道傳達的交易指令,亦不承擔任何受理或執行延遲責任。您應就所下達之所有交易指令承擔全責。





您若位於特定國家境內 (包括但不限於美國以及任何受制裁國家),則本行概不受理您下單。為此,您應確認自身確實係從本行紀錄內所載之居住國家 (不得在美國或任何受制裁國家) 境內下單,且您與所知之任何關係企業、董事、主管、成員、員工或其等之代理人:(1) 並非任何受制裁之對象 (下稱「受制裁者」),亦未受其持有或控制;或 (2) 並非位於、設立於或居住於任一受制裁對象之國家或地區,或其政府為受制裁對象之國家或地區 (下稱「受制裁國家」)。您確認自身確實並未且不應直接或間接從事任何涉及受制裁者或受制裁國家之活動或交易。您不應透過法國巴黎銀行發送、匯付或處理任何可能致使本行因此支付或促成任何涉及受制裁者或受制裁國家之交易。

「制裁」係指任何由美國財政部海外資產控制辦公室 (OFAC)、美國國務院、聯合國安全理事會、歐盟、法國政府及其他政府、政府單位或主管機關所制定、管理、強制或實施之經濟或交易制裁、禁運或限制措施。


您同意並擔保針對Chat用途或使用結果 (無論直接或間接) 或其他可能發生或承受之相關損害或責任,就本行及其代名人、代理人、經紀人、保管人及主管之任何及所有損失、主張、要求、行動、訴訟、申訴、合理支出 (包含全額補償之法律費用) 及所有其他任何性質或型態之責任 (包含貨物與服務稅、加值稅或其他應支付或有關的類似稅費),您須對本行全額賠償,並使本行免受其損害,且本行得逕於您在本行開立之帳戶內扣除任何前述所需賠補償本行之款項

© 法國巴黎銀行 (2022)。版權所有

Terms of Use for IM